5 Surprising Health Benefits of Language Learning

With the ongoing globalisation and digitalisation, speaking a second language is an essential skill to help you communicate and connect with people worldwide. Moreover, knowing another language gives you an advantage in your career opportunities. 

However, the health benefits of learning a language can be even more important as it will help you:

  • Improve cognitive functions
  • Fight low mood
  • Increase your attention span
  • Delay Dementia
  • Boost your confidence

In this article, you’ll find out more about each benefit, so keep on reading.

1. Improve Cognitive Functions

Learning a foreign language means exercising your brain. Whether it is a new vocabulary or a set of grammar rules, your cognitive abilities will improve by learning new language patterns. You’ll:

  • Get better working memory
  • Improve your abstract and symbolic representations
  • Increase attentional control  

While practicing a new language, you’ll probably get better at tackling other new things quickly and easily, too. Yes, learning a foreign language can actually make you more competent and smarter. So, why don’t you start learning it today?

2. Fight Low Mood

Mastering a language is a way to block the negative in your life by concentrating on the task. Just imagine having a speaking exercise where your task is to discuss the best holiday destinations with a partner. Or, a listening exercise about the top 3 wines you need to try in Italy.

These tasks are often enjoyable and will make you happier instantly. Also, who would pass on reading about the 5 beaches you need to visit in 2024 and how to get there on a budget? 

Learning a new language is also a means of meeting new people and broadening your horizons. I’m sure that you’d be friends with someone who shares your interest in music and plans to go to the same concert, right? This is highly beneficial to your well-being.    

3. Increase Your Attention Span

According to some research, the human attention span has been getting lower in recent years. The results show that the average attention span is only 8 seconds (it’s even lower on social media!). So, what would be the key to maintaining brain focus? Learning a language! 

The research says that multilinguals who constantly switch from one language to another train their brain’s concentration. Moreover, their brain learns to ignore the irrelevant and focus on what really matters. 

If you find yourself doing something new and challenging for a longer period of time without losing your focus, you can probably thank your new language learning. Learning how to code in Python? No problem. 

4. Delay Dementia      

Another surprising benefit of learning a language is the delay of degenerative brain diseases. Research says that people who learn a foreign language constantly train their brain neurons by forming new connections between ideas and concepts in different languages. 

That is how their brain matter becomes healthier. In particular, research states that this kind of “training” delays the onset of Dementia by more than four years. What a boost of motivation for everyone who is thinking about starting a language course.   

What is essential to notice is that you can start learning at any age and still experience all the benefits. Age is just a number.

5. Boost Your Confidence

Do you feel:

  • Insecure
  • Shy
  • Unconfident?

I encourage you to start learning a new language. Part of the learning process is making vocabulary mistakes, trying out new grammar rules, and using phrasal verbs in small talk, among other things. 

Talking with other course-takers about your wishes and goals in a foreign language can also be intimidating. However, all these will make you pluck up the courage and deal with insecurities. After all, you want to discuss your plans to travel around Europe this year, right?

The first time you talk with a native speaker in their mother tongue with success, it will be an unforgettable experience. You’ll not only feel fantastic about yourself, but you’ll improve your overall confidence in other spheres of life. 

To Sum It up

Most adults learn foreign languages to advance their careers and get better job opportunities. Others use a foreign language to expand their social circle and travel worldwide without language barriers. 

However, the health benefits of learning a new language are just as significant or even more significant. Improving your cognitive functions, boosting your self-esteem, and overcoming mental obstacles when dealing with new challenges help your overall well-being. 

Language learning can be quite frustrating and intimidating, especially at the beginning. It is constantly stepping out of your comfort zone and tackling new language challenges daily. But it is so worth it, isn’t it?

What language are you planning to learn this year? Let me know in the comments section below.